Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hospital Products Share

Hospital Products Share:
Supplier, Manufacturer and Wholesaler of Hospital Products such as Bedside Screen, Hospital Equipment and Saline Stand.
1-Bedside Screen
bedside awning which has tubular anatomy in three sections. Designed in acquiescence with all-embracing affection standard, our artefact is broadly acclimated in hospitals, hotels, aerodynamics and railways. The bed ancillary awning consists of 50 mm dia revolving casters to ensure accessible mobility. It has springs and hooks and additionally accessible in four folds.

2-Hospital Equipment
a advanced ambit of hospital accessories appropriate for assorted units there. Some of the featured articles bogus by us are:
•Mobility aids sales & casework action hospital equipment
•ICU bed
•Fowler’s bed, semi fowler’s bed, apparent hospital bed
•Stretcher trolley – stainless steel
•Step stool

3-Saline Stand
acrid angle which is pretreated and adhesive crumb coated. It has tubular anatomy with abundant casting adamant abject with chrome platted acrid rod. Available in three legs, four legs with or after 50 mm dia with revolving casters, our ambit accommodated the claim of all-embracing standard.