Thursday, April 5, 2012

Monitoring Your Blood Sugar Level

What tests can I use to check my blood sugar level?
There are 2 blood tests that can help you manage your diabetes. One of these tests is called an A1C test, which reflects your blood sugar (or blood glucose) control over the past 2-3 months. Testing your A1C level every 3 months is the best way for you and your doctor to understand how well your blood sugar levels are controlled.

The other test is called SMBG, or self-monitoring of blood glucose. Using a blood glucose monitor to do SMBG testing can help you improve control of your blood sugar levels. Every person who has diabetes should have a blood glucose monitor (also called a home blood sugar meter, a glucometer, or a glucose meter) and know how to use it. Your doctor may prescribe a blood glucose monitor.
You will need a glucose meter, alcohol pads, sterile finger lancets and sterile test strips. How do I pick a glucose meter?
Check with your health insurance plan to see if they will pay for your glucose meter. If your insurance plan doesn't pay for glucose meters, ask your doctor which meters he or she recommends. Other meters can be hooked up to your computer to analyze your results.
How do I measure my blood sugar level?
Follow your doctor's advice and the instructions that come with the glucose meter. For most glucose meters, you will prick your fingertip. 4.Place the drop of blood on the test strip.
5.Follow the instructions for inserting the test strip into your glucose meter.
6.The meter will give you a number for your blood sugar level.
What if I can't get a drop of blood?
If you get blood from your fingertip, try washing your hands in hot water to get the blood flowing. How often should I test my blood sugar level?
Your family doctor will recommend how often you should test. Testing times are based on the kind of medicine you take and on how well your blood sugar levels are controlled. You'll probably need to check your blood sugar more often at first. You can use a small notebook or ask your doctor for a blood testing record book. Talk with your doctor about what is a good range for your blood sugar level and what to do if your blood sugar is not within that range.
What time of day should I test?
Recommendations for the best time of day to test your blood sugar depend on your medicine, mealtimes and blood sugar control. On the chart, your doctor will check the times when you should test your blood sugar. What do my blood sugar levels tell me?
Fasting blood sugar (FBG) nighttime (3-4 a.m.)
 Adjust medicine or long-acting insulin

Before a meal Modify meal or medicine
1-2 hours after a meal Learn how food affects sugar values (often the highest blood sugars of the day*)
Check your blood sugar if:
•You have symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia),which include dizziness, shaking, sweating, chills and confusion
•You need to learn how meals, physical activity and medicine affect your blood sugar level
•You have a job in which poor blood sugar control could cause safety problems
When should I check my blood sugar more frequently?
•If your diabetes medicine changes
•If you begin taking other kinds of medicines
•If you change your diet
•If your exercise routine or activity level changes
•If your level of stress increases
•If you are sick. Follow your doctor's testing recommendations during this time. Call your doctor's office if your blood sugar level is above: _____________