Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Normal Glucose Levels

Normal Glucose Levels
Hard work would  reduce it in size, but lack of motivation is slowing down any movement in that direction. Normal glucose levels are in reach, but not without changing eating habits and regular exercise. One meal, balanced between fiber, protein and good fat, with just a smattering of simple carbohydrates will not reverse too many meals of fast food and careless eating. Proper eating of good food and not junk, along with any type of exercise every day, even just more walking would make gains to restoring glucose levels to normal ranges. It’s time to get serious and avoid the long term ill health problems that come with chronic high blood sugar levels and get back to optimal health. What is a normal glucose level? A blood glucose levels chart would show that 80mg/dL-100mg/dL is the goal and hanging in the low 100s is not the place to stay. It’s also a time for re-dedication to exercise and clean eating. Glucose levels won’t get corrected on their own and answering the question “What is a normal glucose level?”, is a way to get motivated to changing them.